Renewed Funding for Abrams & Louisville Orchestra “In Harmony” Tour

Teddy Abrams and The Louisville Orchestra have received a $4.3 million funding allocation from the Kentucky State Legislature to support the continuation of “In Harmony – The Commonwealth Tour” through 2024 to 2026. The landmark initiative, which began in 2022, has already made a profound impact, reaching over 27,000 Kentuckians across 38 counties through more than 125 events, and is now set to extend its reach further into the heart of Kentucky communities. This funding will enable the orchestra to deepen community engagement and enrich the cultural fabric across urban and rural divides throughout the state. 

Reflecting on past tours, music director Teddy Abrams shared his excitement for the future, stating, “The past two years of touring the Commonwealth of Kentucky have been transformative and affirming for the Louisville Orchestra and for me as an artist. We believe that this work is the core function of a modern cultural institution, and it has become our dream to continue this program far into the future.”

Learn more about the renewed funding and how it ensures the tour’s continued success here.